Criteria - ACT RESCA

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Awards Criteria

The Rotary Emergency Services Community Awards (RESCA) has been established to recognise Emergency Services Personnel who best exemplify Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self (i.e. the community service the individual performs above and beyond their normal role within the Emergency Service Agency.

Nomination Criteria
The nominee must be member of one of the Emergency Service Agencies in a paid (employee) or unpaid (volunteer) capacity and will be judged on:
  • Community service over and above the call of normal duties that best exemplifies Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self (i.e. community involvement when they are not working in their normal roles).
  • Personal attributes
  • Contribution to their organisation

Prior to submitting a nomination, please consider the characteristics/facts/guidelines we encourage you to consider prior to completing the online nomination:
  • What Agency does the nominee serve in as an employee (paid member) either full-time or part-time; or as an unpaid member (i.e. volunteer)?
  • If the nominee serves in more than one Agency, provide details of all Agencies. Nominate for the agency they stand out in the most and include information about the other agencies in the nomination.
  • Does the nominee have regular contact with their local community? Do they assist with identifying priorities in their area of expertise or responsibility?
  • Does the nominee offer visible reassurance and improve the quality of life in their community?
  • Does the nominee have evidence of personal and/or professional achievement (certificates, etc.)?
  • How does the nominee demonstrate excellence in community service?
  • Has the nominee taken on any additional duties above and beyond their normal role within the Agency? Examples might include: mentoring, peer support, family support for colleagues, etc.
  • Does the nominee display exemplary ethical behaviour and integrity?
  • Does the nominee possess leadership qualities and team building skills?
  • What initiatives or actual outcomes can be directly attributed to the nominee above and beyond their normal role?  These may be agency specific or community focused.
  • What types of challenges has your nominee overcome?
  • Is your nominee seen by the community as a valuable asset in the life of the local community – explain in detail.
  • A Winner of these Awards previously as a Volunteer of the Year and/or Officer in Paid Capacity is ineligible to be nominated.
  • A Finalist in these Awards, is ineligible to be nominated again within a period of 5 years.
  • A Nominee not selected as a finalist can be nominated again in the following year.
  • Awards Ceremony - each finalist must attend at the Awards Ceremony to accept the Award in person.
Nomination - details
Important information when nominating someone for an Award
A panel of Rotarians will judge the awards who are independent judges. Their decisions will be based purely on information you provide.  

Nominations must be submitted online at
Should you encounter any problems when completing your submission online, please contact Steve Hill on 0412 854 047 or .
Who can submit a Nomination?
  • Anyone can nominate a person for the awards (self-nominations excepted) – as long as you are able to put together a submission, you are welcome to submit a nomination.  It is often valuable to collaborate with friends, colleagues or the Emergency Services Agency where your nominee is a member or appointed.  This will allow you to gather any additional information to strengthen your submission.
  • General Public
  • Emergency Services Colleagues
  • Local Community Group, etc.

Rotary Clubs of............
Aurora Gungahlin,  Belconnen,  Canberra,  Canberra Burley Griffin,  Canberra Sunrise,  Canberra Sundowners, Canberra Weston Creek,  Ginninderra,  Gungahlin,  Hall, Murrumbidgee Canberra,  Tuggeranong,  Woden Daybreak.

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